Friday, April 29, 2016



Talking with my brother the other day, we looked back on “close calls” we’ve experienced. I started to think about past situations that occurred in my life, and recalled stories other people have told me and it led me to this format.

According to the Webster dictionary, Miracles mean; an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God.

 In the first part of the series, I will be talking about what some people have called, “the little voice” or even, “something told me”. Others are calling it “your inner voice (an internal monologue or speech)” and also “intuition (comes from the Latin verb; intueri or to contemplate, a phenomenon of the mind, the ability to acquire knowledge without inference or use of reason.)”. Whatever title you have placed on it, you can reasonably say that this has happened to everyone at least once in their life. I want to share with you some of the times this “voice” has saved my life, and I’ll leave it to you to decide if its intuition or your inner voice. Personally, I believe in the power of God and I know no matter how good you think you are, you cannot predict an unforeseen event that is about to take place without the help of the Holy Spirit. Most of the time, we can predict the actions of people or animals because of past behavior, habits, routines and information that was told of them. We can also determine what could take place with objects i.e.; side effects, warning labels. These are common notifications you are told to expect to happen. What about the unexpected?

I was driving home from work one day and the road I was using was a two lane street. I had to pick my kids up from my Grandmother’s house who lived quite a bit away and I wanted to be home before the sun set. The traffic was moving at a good pace when I heard a voice say, “Be still”. Now it wasn’t audible but I could hear it in my head. At first I didn’t really pay attention to it until further down the road I heard it again, “Be still”. I pondered on why I was thinking this and kept driving until I heard it again. By this time I knew it wasn’t me and started asking myself what does that mean? As I got to a 4-way stop sign, an old beat-up truck turned in front of me and it seemed his top speed was 20 miles per hour. Every time I attempted to go around him the traffic on the opposite side wasn’t clear. I was getting frustrated and just wanted to get away from him. Again, I hear the voice, “Be still”. Earlier it was soft, and this time it was a little more amplified, not loud, just stern. Already agitated by the slow driver in front of me, now I can’t stop hearing this voice and I didn’t know what it was talking about! I knew that up ahead at the next intersection the lane would spilt into 2 on both sides and I decided I’m going to punch the gas and go around him using the right hand lane. As I was approaching the light I looked in my rear view mirror and no one was behind me so I thought, nice this will be over in a minute. I placed both my hands on the steering wheel so I could swing to the right and I heard the voice repeat, “Be still” again, but sharp like a command, and then I heard a different loud voice say, “GO NOW!” As I went to turn the wheel it kind of froze for a second and in that split second I felt the car rock hard along with a gust of wind. A huge rig flew past in the right lane, the speed he was going caused my little car to rock. That was the same lane I intended to use. My heart was beating hard and my hands were shaking badly. I was still in disbelief when I arrived at my Grandmother’s house. I told her what happened and she replied, you know that was the voice of God warning you the whole time. And what about that other voice, the loud one? I know that wasn’t God, if I had listened to the loud voice I wouldn’t be here writing this now.

My brother had a similar experience while he was driving. He said it was late at night and he was taking a friend home. He was going at a good speed as they were approaching a signal light when he said, “Something told him” to take his foot off the gas pedal and pump his brake a bit. The light had changed to green before he reached it and as he was entering the intersection an old Cadillac ran through the red light on the stopped traffic. My brother said if he had not slowed down and pumped his brakes a bit, they would have been t-boned. When they got to his friend’s house the friend asked, “How did you know to pump your brakes?”

How many times have that “voice” told you not to change lanes just as a car flies by in the lane you were going to change to? Or you are sitting back relaxing watching tv or reading a book when it tells you to go check on a child, and you just happen to catch them doing something they didn’t have any business doing or going somewhere they thought you would never find out about. What about when a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while comes to your mind and the “voice” tells you to give them a call or stop by, and it happens that they were sick or depressed and were glad to see or hear from you?

Let’s talk about if we didn’t listen to the “voice”. Where would you be? How different would things have turned out if we hadn’t acted on that “voice”? I would love to hear your stories of how a “voice” changed your life. –L.G.

1 comment:

  1. This was a couple of years ago. I've had a child and don't usually have time to get away and have alone time, to go to adult places (bars,clubs,etc.) and have "fun". Well this night my daughter was with my mother and I had just gotten paid so I thought "I'm GOING OUT!!!" I tried to gather my friends together to do a big club event most were out of town, broke, or busy so that cancelled the club plan. In the back of my mind something was saying "just go home" I wasn't trying to listen. I tried texting a guy I was talking to at the time to see if he'd like to go hangout or do something. He said he was out of town camping. Once again something said "just go home" I was determined that wasn't happening I was going to go out! I called my sister to go out to a bar, movie, or something... ANYTHING she declined and replied "you need to just go home, rent a movie or something but go home there are too many stupid people out there getting drunk and acting crazy." So I decided I'd go it alone and go to the club by myself. Throughout the drive there I kept hearing "just go home" over and over and remembering what my sister said...I still went. When I got there it was awkward but started having drinks with some guy there and we danced and had fun but it wasn't the same and he seemed a little weird. I heard "the voice" again and decided this isn't going right I'll finally just go home so I told him have fun I'm leaving...that didn't go so well with him. He kept trying to convince me to stay but I started heading for my car (which unfortunately was around the corner from the club) and he followed. I told him to go back I had had enough and had an early day tomorrow he then had got hold of my arm and commented how we were having fun and should continue it WE could go back to my place (I lived with my mother) I backed up and noticed I was against the wall. Right then I knew I was in trouble. Things continued to go downhill him caressing and kissing me and I kept trying to find a way to get away and pushing him back and thinking "I should have just gone home". Next he had me pinned up against the wall pulling up my dress, I went to scream and at that moment a group of guys had come out the club I screamed "HEY" and they looked over making the guy back off. I ran to my car thanking them as I passed (them not having a clue what they did) and went home.

    I haven't been out clubbing since and if something tells me to not do something...I listen.
