Monday, January 30, 2017


I felt the urge and need to write this blog actually last year, but I kept putting it off. And now because of disturbance occurring all around the world, and the rise in hatred, I can no longer be silent. Maybe someone can enlighten me on how you can let clothes you put on and off, or a political party change who you are; morally, mentally, and even your characteristics unless that who you really are and it was unveiled. Fear and frustration can bring out the worst in people who do not have an anchor to a foundation. When did humans stop having civil disagreements? Why is it that when someone disagrees with you/and or your beliefs that it resorts to derogatory insults? As one of the greatest Nations in the world, why is it we don’t cry outrage when children are being murdered, regardless of color or religion? When innocent working people are being killed because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, regardless of their color, religion, job, or political beliefs? We are no better than animals if we cannot rationally think out our actions before we respond, but I must say even animals instincts are purposefully thought out. How can we as humans in the dark, or cloaked behind a screen, or even at home surrounded by family bash, degrade, berate or belittle another human being SIMPLY because of the color of their skin, political party or religious belief? If we don’t agree why can’t we simply move on? That’s what was so great about America, you are free to believe what you believe and everyone should be able to work and live in peace, especially for our next generations, our children and grandchildren and their children. Right now hatred is running hard and rapid in the States so much so that other Countries around the world are shaking their heads in disbelief, and I’m saying it never existed what I’m saying is, it’s more vocal and visible. Not only that but some are voicing their prejudices “In the name of Jesus”. There were sites were there was racism within the same race which was saddening. I found myself guilty of getting caught up in the political and social arenas but it was when I caught myself responding to derogatory comments with anger that I had to step back and remind myself that wasn’t who I was, and no matter what someone says to me to not scoop to that level when that isn’t what I represent. I care what my family thinks of me, what my friends’ think of me. For those who aren’t Christians can we agree as humans living in a civilized world together to have mutual respect for each other?

 Because I am a Christian I am representing Christ so knowing that he watches over me, what would he think of me behaving this way? Yes, these people might not ever meet me and don’t know me…but
Jesus does. How is our behavior at work, at the stores, at home? The Lord tells us to love our neighbor like we love ourselves Matt.22;39 and even goes so far as to say; How can you say you love me and hate your brother? 1John 4:20. We as Christians must also remember to not get so entangled with the things of this world, for this is not our home. We are in this world, but not of it. No matter who’s sitting in the White House, God is Lord and is control. The injustices being done, the Lord will right. That doesn’t mean we can’t speak out; just don’t forget who you are and who you belong to. We also know that we are in the last days and these things must come to pass, the attitude we take will speak for us on judgement day. We must also remember that a lot of these things happening now are distractions to usher in the anti-Christ, and if we don’t have a love for the truth he would send a strong delusion so we would believe a lie, 2 Thess.2:11. Now is the time to get anchored in Christ, because these days are going to get worse.

 For over a year and a half I followed comments on different topics ranging from Police involved shootings, Protests, Presidential campaigns, to the most recent the Ban of Immigrant Refugees.   I must warn you some of the comments are verbally graphic, vicious and degrading I couldn’t post some of them and a lot I have edited. These are people from all walks of life; they could be your neighbors, co-workers, teachers, friends, fellow church members, and even family. I’ve included memes and some are offensive and graphic, so just a warning. I had to look in the mirror and at the end of the day… would I like what I see? Some say the soul is a reflection of who we are. When you look at your soul or in the mirror, what do you see?……

Comparing Michelle Obama to Melania:

You must be out of your mind !! Chip White trash

Yes she is the most intelligent monkey we ever had

Perhaps you should look in the mirror. You look like Oprah with AIDS

Shut up, you are NOT beautiful you are ugly and look like Oprah with an 80's haircut and AIDS.

Blacks hating a white woman, there's NEWS, hahahahahahahahahahahaha,...How do you call a pretty black girl,.. LUCKY, without whites you'd be still eating dirt in Africa

Michelle Obama reminds me of a cast member out of the movie The Color Purple. I just want to rub lotion on my elbows when I see her black ugly face

This is a joke cause the baboon can no way compare to a classy LADY like the new first Lady

Takes a lot of dressing and makeover to make that ape look decent.

glad that muslim monkey is gone...

you see how stupid these neanderthals are every thing I said is true knowledge from a man we always teaching your people from how to bath and anything else in life except spreading disease more knowledge for you and your neanderthal people

eat a *** u Black ****!! Freeloading m_______ don't you got somebody to go rob or kill.

**** you n****a** b*** !! U should ha g along with ur cotton picking spook friends, its ni***s like u that make me dislike your race!! Shut ur portch monkey a** up little niglet

Talk about who's uneducated. You must have missed the part where your race has more AIDS than anybody on the planet. if anybody is spreading disease is you dumb __________rs at the bottom of the race pool. You haven't noticed that no matter where you are in the world your country and race is at the bottom and sucks at everything lmao not to mention you're literally the slowest growing race at this point in the nation. because you can't stop killing each other! man you're stupid

You dumb uneducated fools aids was invented by your devil neanderthal people all natural disease your people lead African is in everyone you dumb *** but not European blood you ____ neanderthal b*** **k you and all who died for amerikkka and ** all you b*** also suck dead dogs d**k

Man you dumb blacks have an excuse for everything. You must love to keep yourself uneducated to getting through the day. Regardless of how you think it happened your race has the most Aids on the planet you f****** idiot. And youre race is still at the bottom no matter where you are on the planet. You should be happy you live in White America or you be running around barefoot in a dirt field. Lmao

both you coward ** pale face cave monkey dog smelling neanderthal what yall want to do you so tuff let's meet up you pick the place b***es

N***r,spook,portch monkey

The last thing you want is a race war. even though I know you ignorant monkeys think you would win for some weird reason. But you give white people a license to Kill. youll see camouflage with night vision and AR 15s picking you off in whole groups. Why you dumb m************ got your gun sideways with a half a clip. You just don't see us doing random crimes and filming it like you idiots. because we're smarter than you are. Why do you think there's so many of you in prison because you're just dumb. You don't even know how to sell drugs the right way! you dumb MFrs stand on the corner in plain site. LMAO talk about a stupid ***ng race

You don't even have punctuation. you're just proving how dumb and ignorant your races all over again aren't you. Keep killing each other you're doing us a favor. You're just too stupid to see it but we do. That's why it's a white world and you're the bottom feeders DUH

The Ban of Refugee Immigrants/and building the wall:

I hate refugees

i liked it before the whites were takeи out their caves

No, the able-bodied men want to come here...try to destroy our country...while our young men are over there getting killed trying to save their disgusting country for them. PIGS

The grown men should bring their children back to their country. don't cry for other people,other countries taking care of them. If you cannot take care of yourself, you should not be alive.

Most likely committed by a good white Christian


I thought Christians were nice people that helped the poor and loved everyone no matter what.

Mexico is a violent nation and we don't want it here.

.with a name like MUST know EVERYTHING...maybe not about Trump, but about the man who ALLOWED more illegals into this country than any preceding President.

We don't need a wall. We need a moat. With sharks, and... nastier things I haven't thought of yet.

undocumented my *ss-these are illegal thugs, muslim terrorists, and anything else that can slither across the border..shoot them on sight til they are positively dead, then leave them for the vultures-they have to eat too, ya know..

.please go back to where your family came from, we do not like your kind in America, that goes along with anyone that liked your post. You guys go back..............

Not a violent race huh ,dam basdards. should all be shot on site that'll stop the p***s.from trying to enter illegally.

Since you're not american why don't you go back to your country of origin. Nigeria right?

someone with her face has to be from Nigeria, Kenya, or some other jungle ghetto

Since the Obama's ARE ghetto trash

that's whats wrong with America. you pigs think you all are the original Americans. "if your not white your not American" open your eyes and look past the front steps of your trailer

referring to the NFL:

Who wants to watch a bunch of Africans with rat hair run up and down a field for two hours carrying a football? I would rahter watch grass grow. Same goes for basketball which is even worse

That's because the majority of these football players are thugs anyway, so now with a lot of money they are rich thugs who think they are above decency, honor and respect. You can take the thug out of the slum but not the slum out of the thug

Just proves that just because your a professional sports player, doesnt mean your "sh**bag ghetto status" has changed. Especially in the NBA....

Don't you get it black ba**ards like this get to say anything they want and nothing ever happens to them you bet you’re a** if a white person was saying the sh** that he says about black people instead of cops oh you better believe there would be suspension time fines if not excommunication from the NFL but the lingering stench of the liberal era is still hanging around but also Roger Goodelle is about as useful as a ____ flavored lollipop at a lesbian convention

Because the NFL are so full of thugs, they don't see where anything looked out of place, or wrong

Because these days it's become the Negro Football League

nasty negro


Build a giant wall around Chicago and Hunger Games

Animals. Vicious animals belong in cages...

Thanks for the label, now let's put the animals in a cage where they belong

Third-world culture was allowed to cook on "high" & boil over as a result of liberal political pandering.

Block off the inner cities, and let them have at it..


Don’t you know that white feelings are more important than black lives? ____ her, her children, her grandchildren and her great grandchildren. ____ them all.

Whiteness is so toxic and narcissistic. I guess now she wants some type of sympathy for having suffered the stigma of having a innocent black child murdered because of her lies? Fat chance you old bag.

As a black man I’m past the point of forgiving. Sorry If I saw her, I’d spit in her face because anything else would result in my going to jail. If there is a hell she will know the minute she expires. The case ruined her life? ____ YOU ALL!!!

Easy there, Nizzle Nig

Because black and white are now all mix up together and against you. as far as i know. Many black married white and many white and so on..This is why you never have peace because everything MIX up together. Keep focus of what you doing, because you just doing FINE.

Political views:

What was the question? Why are libtars so stupid. Go look in the mirror then you tell me...

No wonder trump only speaks at a 3rd-4th grade level when the majority of his supporters are at the same range. People scream about jobs, the reason the jobs are gone is because other countries immigrants are more highly trained, work harder and better educated than most of the white trash that supports trump. If you really want a good job then get a bloody education and work hard like you always talk about.

your mother should have used a coat hanger and saved us from your stupidity

Wallace bull crap. This is no plantation

I'm not descended from apes

Oh how I wish one of these thuggish racist PALE Trump Supporters would come my way. I'm loaded and trigger happy.

BLM/Police involved shootings/Police targeted killings:

lol lol lol Why cancel because they are cops.. So now we want justice for the cops but nobody else life matter.. As for the picture of a cops crying Still so what!!! What about the family's of these Men that where killed and the cops gets to go on with there life and there family... Have No feeling for these cops being killed just like they don't care about the family they have killed as well...

They need to take these killers out. BLM are not protestors, they are violent gang that target white people especially women whom they rape, set fires to businesses and are cop killers. These killers need eliminated, taken off the street by whatever means.

I agree with you kari, shut that violent racist group down. No place for that bs in society. Yes we all have freedom of speech but patriots are gona start shutting it down.

The thug trash resisted arrest and was carrying a gun. Great job officers! One less scumbag on our streets!! ;)))

it's going to come down to a civil war and you can thank Obama and his crooks for starting this war with the police but we will finish it

God forgive me but we need to start killing these m************

I say burn down some police stations and businesses

They better be prepared for their actions. You can only push us so far till we take action. It's happening now.

now there's the ****ing problem !!! Black racist!!! Two wrongs don't make a right !!! You Racist !!!!!

Yes it is going to happen people not going to keep letting this go on

I for an eye, I hate police like that with a passion! People need to find their family members and do them the same way or maybe even worse. Police bleed, hurt and can be killed just like any body else!

**** that. It's better to send all the cops to the afterlife and let the gods sort out which ones go to nifelheim.

Hip-hop nation Street Rat's again and again and again and again and again

Bro eye for an eye until the world see it n leave merica behind

That will never happen because pigs are cowards that is why they protect each other! We will be the only ones to solve this by destroying this gang that steals and assaults us!! Violence is the only way!

You said it right. If one thugs can make all black thugs or one illegal Mexican make all illegals why not one cop makes all cops douche and dirty mfs?

Problem is there is no such thing as a "good cop"

I'm an Arabic person myself. I can't believe this dumb____ compare Muslims(more then 1 billion people) to American cops(most of them hate black people) We the Arabic people get treated almost as black people do. They don't kill us. But they sure beat the **** out of us here in the USA. Just look at the Arabic guy at the hotel who got arrested and sent to the hospital for wearing Arabic cloth and talking Arabic.

500 black man killed by police in 2016 it's July by the way

and the butthurt of the day is....


Gloria you the type of b**** hurt and anger mf come looking for

It's called live dumb a**

U s***!! U deserve no respect!! U lucky this aitt one of my family members post U commenting under. U don't deserve a life!

Well we all know blacks are automatically victims from birth to grave. Smdh. Blacks today don't know what racism is.

blacks know what racism is,,, what they don't know is they are racist themselves.

If cops weren't running around being executioners this wouldn't have happened too bad so sad. Lol

If the majority of young black trash weren't criminals, cops wouldn't have to shoot!

It was an ambush!! When are these people going to quit killing innocent white people!!

When white people stop killing innocent black people.

must have a blank space were your brain should be.

they are thugs, they are all uneducated ghetto thugs. They protest in ignorance and refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.

your so stinking stupid, there has been no innocent black people killed. My God you're stupid.

I wish all white police officers will turn their badge in and let the blacks police themselves.

Time to send Beyonce and Obama there.. See if they can deal with these criminals while protecting civilians at the same time..

I just call them a criminal murderer...but that's just because I'm not a sensationalist that likes to stretch, and exploit terms to their death so I "feelz better"

To the guy who lives in the Outhouse at 1600 Penn created this....on your watch....and some where along the way, you will be held accountable! Be careful what you ask for....if Americans get mad enough, never know what a motivated group can do.

Planned parenthood kills more blacks than any other race just look into it

Lock and load folks.And for the police out there, it's time to start picking sides.
Instead of following orders and listening to the left and enforcing gun control on the law abiding citizens who have always stood by you and supported you, how about you join us and fight back

I would love a civil war/race war. That will definitely make america great again

Do what they got to do ? Commit murder ! Well buddy it's a two way street !

Why do they keep putting this on tv, they all want to be on tv, take the camers's away and see how fast they'll go away, also you judge all police for one bad one, and think you have the right to kill all police, if black life matters so much, why are they killing their own, you don't see the white people out protesting when blacks kill and rape white people, if there unhappy here go back to Africa

There also were posts from concerned citizens as well as people from around the world:

Dear America, you sound sick. Your citizens hurl insults at each other based on which out of touch elitist runs their country. Your people show no respect for each other, yet call for respect for their chosen rich guy.

Seriously. The problem is not your next president. It's you. The collective You. Stop being so horrendous to each other and realise that you are all in this together, for better or for worse. Stop being horrible bastards to each other and go bowling or something. Stop trying to fight hate with hate. You're literally both as bad as each other. Look what happened in Northern Ireland when two sides turned on each other. Still fighting the side effects almost 20 years later. Don't do that to yourselve

 Let me break it down for the non smart people. Dallas was a set up by the government trying to act like its the Black Lives Matter people causing problems so they can instill Martial Law and take everyone's guns and put you in detention camps if you go against the government. That's what all these mass shootings are about to instill fear . They want a civil war so it will be easy for Martial Law to be established. It is already written and will

Come to pass whether you want it to or not. Get right with God cuz he is coming back and it's going down.

Government-staged shootings to incite race riots. Stop believing the first story you hear. Government made propaganda is LEGAL in America. Research the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

America our government is doing a wonderful job of dividing us so they can declare Marshall Law. ..please stop fighting and start praying.

This behavior will start a war if we don't come together right now.

Don't tell me another civil war is going to break out regarding protesters and supporters vs anti-protestors and those against the Black lives matter group?? Divided we fall

Not sure how to take this, 400 likes. REALLY! I'm just an old white guy so you give a thumbs up to this kind of violence.

Pray for Dallas..pray for America. I am 70 years old, and I can NEVER remember a time of such division in our Country..not even in the '60's!

Government-staged shootings to incite race riots.

This is why i live in norway, no guns, nice cops, and NO F*****G IDIOTS LIKE U AMERICAN PIGS

You are a horrible person and exactly why we are here tonight. I hope you don't pass this bigotry down to your children.

Don't all of you who have made a comment on here see what is happening?? Stop for a minute and look at the disgust and hatred in your comments...I am just scrolling through reading them and my heart hurts. This is what is tearing our country apart...continued hatred. Media is a terrible thing. It fuels people and makes them ready to "fight" back. All of you are hurting each other and it is so sad. We are not trying too hard to work together when all there is is finger pointing. I could not rest well last night because this is weighing heavy on my heart. Our kids are having to grow up hearing all of this negativity. Yes, things need to change, yes, there should be more accountability with people and their actions, but ripping each other to shreds with hurtful words is no way to do it. I don't see how looting and rioting is going to "solve or help" any cause. I don't see how continuing to shoot at people, officers, etc., are going to "solve or help" anything??? We need to stop. STOP hurting. Our kids deserve to have their parents at home, not dead because of hatred. Those officers in Dallas responded to the calls and were shot for no reason....that could have been ANYBODY. People I hope you all pray and take a good hard look at your faith because no matter which religion you are, they all stand for the same thing: love. Please Be supportive of one another.

The news is very much responsible for this. If they reported on every white person unjustly killed by cops, it wouldn't be just black protesting and shooting. This is what they want, racial division to weaken our ability to come together and clean up a corrupt governme


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