Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Rose of Jericho

The Rose of Jericho

One of the names of this plant is, “the resurrection plant”.  It can grow in rocky landscape, extreme heat, or in dry soil. When the soil is moist after infrequent rain, this plant will absorb the water and grow rapidly.  When the soil dries, it cannot store water; instead it folds up its stems and tightens into a ball. It will then go into a state of dormancy. All the metabolic functions will reduce to a bare minimum, appearing to be dead. It can remain in this dormant condition for years. When the rain returns, the plant’s cells rehydrate. The stems unfold, metabolism increases, and growth resumes. Even DEAD resurrection plants will unfold if given water; re-hydrated cells expand even when there is no living protoplasm in them. The “Rose of Jericho’s” ability to seemingly return from the dead justifies its common name. They have survived millions of years, and adapting to its surroundings has been the key to its survival. It is an eminent example of perseverance.
Source: Karak Agro

Most of us will go through stages like the “Rose of Jericho”.  From death of loved ones, financial debts, loneliness, abuse, being misunderstood, or heart-broken, whatever the case may be. The circumstances has left you depleted and dried up, causing you to “tighten up in a ball”, appearing to be dead. You may have lost your joy, and depression and anxiety has replaced your peace. You may even feel like you can’t go on like this and you don’t want to face another day in this state because in your mind you feel like things will never change or get better. I want you to know that rain WILL come! If you give up now, how will you see your children/grandchildren when they’re grown? If you give up now, how will you know that the breakthrough or cure is around the corner? If you give up now, how will you meet the soul-mate that GOD ordained for you, not the one that left? Did he/she really give 100% to the relationship? Did they love you as much as you loved them? When you are apart, are they excited to see you again as you are them? If there is a no to any of those questions, you are better off without them. Nothing and no one is worth giving up for. Not a debt, or illness. NOTHING.  I have a friend who 3 years ago was diagnosed with Lupus. The majority of the time she was racked with pain and rarely left her house. Another dear friend of mine started a prayer line that she felt God lead her to do. Maybe 2 months of being on the prayer line that she faithfully, and daily went on, she testified that she had come from the Dr.’s office where they ran tests to check her levels, they found no traces of the Lupus!!!! Praise be to God!!! So there are still miracles being done. She is now going out ministering and attending church. She is enjoying life again and yesterday she told me that she feels like her old self again!!! What if she had given up? She wouldn't have seen that life got better. It also matters that she is surrounded by people who pour words of life into her, and a God who gave her “Living Water!”  Who do you have around you? Have positive people around you who care for you and pray life into your soul. Ask God to give you that living water to bring you back to life! Whatever you need prayer for, send an email to lglpublishing@gmail. I will add your request to the prayer list or call the line M-F PST 6pm @ 712-832-8310, then press 6553027# God bless.  –L.G.London


  1. LG London
    Great discussing this with you on Google+
    Great thoughts here.
    As you pointed out in our G+ conversation, your remark that "you are better off without them," is referring to dating couples or couples where the marriage has already ended in divorce. But if we're talking about a marriage that is presently intact, we would take a different approach.

    Anyone who has been married for any length of time will probably go through seasons where it seems like the spouse is not giving 100%, etc. In these situations, usually the wisest thing to do is to hold steady, cling to God, invite good counsel, and weather the storm. Usually the marriage, like the rose of Jericho will bounce back.

    1. Thank you Dwight, I appreciate your feedback and comments.
